Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Purpose of this Blog

This blog has been a long time coming. During spring, summer, and fall, I frequently ride my bicycle to work. The ride is between 15 and 22 miles, depending on the route I take, so I have plenty of time to think. Frequently, I'm thinking about what the cars around me could be doing to better handle the fact that there's a bicycle on the road. Even more frequently, I'm thinking about how clueless most bicycle riders seem, as they seem completely oblivious to the facts that (a) there are laws concerning how a bicycle is ridden in traffic (in short, they are the same as for cars except that you have to keep right whenever possible) and (b) those laws are in place to keep them safe. (Running red lights or riding on the wrong side of the street, on a sidewalk, or the wrong way on a one way street are good ways to get hit by a car.)

Because of those frequent thoughts, I first envisioned this blog as educational for drivers and bicyclists alike to learn how to peacefully coexist, and that will still be the purpose of many of the posts. Road safety isn't the only thing I think about while riding, though (and I certainly think about things that I'd like to share at times when I'm not riding as well), so I'll be sharing my thoughts and discoveries on a variety of other subjects as well. I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts and that you learn something as well. (Likewise, if you can teach me something, please feel free to do so in the comments.)

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