Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dear FedEx

The following is the actual text (copied and pasted) of an email I sent to FedEx.

Dear FedEx,

I regularly ride my bicycle from my home in New Haven, CT to my work in Wallingford, CT. My usual route takes me past the FedEx Ground location at 29 Toelles Rd in Wallingford. That particular part of my route is not the best for a bicycle and I'm frequently annoyed (and occasionally frightened) by the many commuters driving along that road in the morning. One thing I don't have to worry about, however, is the drivers of the many FedEx vehicles I see. The drivers are always polite and respectful of my right to be on the road and never do anything that I feel places me in danger in their presence.

Nearby Mt Carmel Ave/Kings Hwy is the only direct route between that part of Wallingford and both the bike trail that half of my commute is along and a major north-south artery used frequently by your drivers. It is a narrow, winding, two lane road with no shoulders which climbs up and over a small ridge just south of Sleeping Giant. I frequently encounter FedEx delivery vans along that road. Even on that cramped road, FedEx drivers have been the most courteous and safest drivers I have encountered. They never pass me as I'm attempting to finish a steep climb with no shoulder and never pass when approaching a corner, something that other vehicles do along there almost every day. I feel bad sometimes because I do slow them for up to a minute or so as they wait for a safe place to pass, but I want them and you to know that I appreciate their courtesy and that they always give me plenty of room when passing.

Connecticut is not the home of the country's best, most courteous, or safest drivers, but the FedEx drivers I have encountered have always been respectful, courteous, and safe around me on my bicycle and for that I am grateful. I want others to know how much I appreciate your drivers, so a copy of this email will be posted to my blog (

Thank you,

Scott MacDonald

 Google Street View of the FedEx Ground location.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, giving them the address of the FedEx Ground station was not enough for them to forward my comments "to the appropriate supervisor". They needed my full address and phone number and for me to tell them the color of the logo on the vans. Whatever.


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